Lifestyle Smonday

Yes, you read correctly I did say smonday. You are probably asking, "What is smonday?" Well, smonday is the moment when Sunday stops feeling like Sunday and Monday kicks in. We all know too well how much that feeling just straight up sucks. This is the time of day where I sit and mentally prepare... Continue Reading →

Do High School Sweethearts Still Exist?

Love, it is the thing that everyone in the world is after. Even if you say you do not believe in true love or you have given up. Deep down inside you are still looking for that special someone, or waiting for your love to find you. Some can say that they have already found... Continue Reading →

Waking Up Early

It is 7am on a Sunday as I write this. I'm usually not up this early but when my daughter, Giulia, is up then so am I. On the typical day I get to sleep until 8am, sometimes 8:30am. But, because I had to get up an extra hour early I am finding it a... Continue Reading →

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