Waking Up Early

It is 7am on a Sunday as I write this. I’m usually not up this early but when my daughter, Giulia, is up then so am I. On the typical day I get to sleep until 8am, sometimes 8:30am. But, because I had to get up an extra hour early I am finding it a little hard to get the day rolling and all I can think about is sleep. Oh, how wonderful it would be to sleep in a few extra hours. Swimming in a sea of warm, soft, cuddly blankets on top of a cloud of relaxation. It may just be one of the best things in the world.

I am stuck between the mature adult that loves to wake up early and get things done, and the inner child that wants to sleep all day and wake up whenever she feels like it. I have to say that I do love mornings. Sunrise is my favorite time of day! If you have ever had the pleasure to sit outside and watch the sunrise in the middle of summer, than you know why. The world is quiet, animals are all about, a beautiful pallet of colors is painted across the sky. There is nothing like the fresh start to a new day and new opportunities.

Sleeping all day sure is a privilege that many don’t realize they have. That feeling of being refreshed and wanting to face the world. A slow start to the day just gradually making it into the kitten for a wonderful breakfast to add to your perfect sleep. Yeah, well every parent can relate when I say enjoy it while you can because before you know it, life happens!

In the end, that smile on my daughters face that she gives me the minute I walk into her room to get her from her crib gives me a feeling that is indescribable! Even though I hate waking up early especially when I’m really tired, it does have its perks.

Perks of waking up early:

– Reduced stress levels.

– Get better grades.

– More optimistic.

– More family time.

– Sunrise.

– Breakfast.

– Proactive.

As much as I would love to go on and on about each individual reason on why waking up early is a good thing. I have a date with a hot cup of fresh coffee. So, as you wake up today keep in mind how blessed you are for a fresh start to a new day.

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